Motivation Monday

Some days on this journey is easier than others. Some days are filled with moments where I say no to all the good things that I want and the weight seems to fall off. Other days are filled with normalcy in what I eat and then for whatever reason I gain a pound? What is with that? How can two days be exactly the same amount in calories, carbs and protein intake and yet one day results in a loss and the next results in a gain?

I think I am just beginning to understand that the number on the scale is definitely made more than just fat and muscles. That the number reflected isn't always an accurate interpretation of what is actually going on and I need to remember this truth. I can easily get discouraged and throw all my hard work out the window by thinking that it isn't paying off. I have to be able to think of not just the present moment but have  a vision of the future success in mind.

Not so long ago I had a conversation with a friend about how significant trauma in ones life can make one wary of the future. I know that for me I often don't live a life that is future focused. In one way this is an extreme blessing as I know how to live in the present. I enjoy the moment more fully, I am not as worried and anxious, and I just don't seem to let the things that "could happen" consume me.  On the other hand this mentality also means that I have a hard time planning for the future because I know its not guaranteed sometimes I think "what's the point"? The down fall of this means that I rarely see the importance of things like savings, vision planning, waiting for the opportune moment to arrive.  I seriously struggle with the thought "If I wait I'll never have what I want now." This type of thinking can leave me feeling longing, restless , sometimes even hopeless.

Today for Motivation Monday I am choosing to hope that the future on this journey will be successful. I am envisioning a year from now being 120lbs less than when I started on this journey. I am seeing myself more healthy, riding on a roller coaster with my 11yr old Ellie. I am seeing a year full of victories, and success moment by moment. I am seeing myself persevering even on the days I don't want to and keeping always the for front of my mind that there is more to that number on the scale than fat,muscles, and that water weight is really a thing.

I am motivated today because I believe that the Lord has good things waiting for me on this journey and that HE is not leaving me to walk this alone. I'll always have him in the good and the bad moments. This is my motivation on Motivation Monday and it is good.


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